11th International SWAT4HCLS Conference, Antwerp 2018


SWAT4HCLS is a leading conference on the application of semantic web and linked-data technologies in healthcare and life sciences. It is an event designed first and foremost to catalyze the adoption of disruptive semantic technologies in biomedical research. Over the last decade we have established a strong following of multi-disciplinary researchers from academia, industry and healthcare institutions. The event comprises of Keynote presentations, peer reviewed paper presentations (long and short), demos, tutorials, panel sessions, best paper and best poster prizes, proceedings and journal special issues, student travel bursaries.

SWAT4HCLS is run by a non-profit organization and relies of the voluntary work of organizers and its programme committee. We rely on registration and sponsorship funds to run the event. We have some traditional predefined sponsorships packages listed below, but we are also interested in providing creative ways to facilitate a link between technology providers and data economy stakeholders and their public in return for sponsorship funds. If you or your organization are interested in contributing specific content to the SWAT4HCLS program or knowing more about sponsorship options please reach out to us for a dialog.

We have created three levels of sponsorship packages ranging from 1000 Euro to 5000 Euro:

  1. Package 1 (1000 Euro) Logo visibility on the main website (http://swat4hcls.org)
  2. Package 2 (2500 Euro) Package 1 + logo visibility in our mailings and other targeted communications to our community.
  3. Package 3 (5000 Euro) All of the above, plus logo visibility at the main stage(s), recorded videos, custom portals serving SWAT4LS content.

We are open to discuss a tailored package or alternative marketing strategies. Please send email to: info@swat4ls.org

We hope to welcome you as sponsor of the 11th edition of SWAT4HCLS in Antwerp.