Instructions for preparing your ‘camera ready’ version for the SWAT4HCLS 2024 proceedings

Dear authors,

Please upload an updated, ‘camera-ready’ version of your submission by 12 February 2024 for generating the proceedings. This is the final version of your document in the CEUR format as required for the production of the CEUR conference proceedings that will be publicly available under CC-by 4.0 license. You can use the same submission form as before. On page 2 you will find an entry to upload the revised abstract. You can also upload posters now.

Submissions that are rejected as papers, but accepted as posters need to upload a shortened version in the CEUR-format for the proceedings. A poster submission is up to two pages. Authors are welcome to reference their original paper manuscripts.

If you are running a tutorial and have a document that you wish to share via OxfordAbstracts, then you can find an upload entry for that.

We trust that you will incorporate reviewer comments to improve your submission while preparing the final version before the 12 February deadline. A rebuttal letter is not necessary. The program committee may perform a quick check of your revision. You are welcome to leave comments for the program committee in the form.


  • Log into OxfordAbstracts and open your submission(s)
  • Go to page 2 of the OxfordAbstracts submission form and upload your updated ‘camera ready’ version.
  • Make changes based on the reviews. We trust that you improve the submission for the proceedings. In some cases, the program committee may contact you about the revisions. Feel free to leave comments to the program committee in the form.
  • Once you are satisfied with your update, but no later than February 12, switch the Submission status to ‘Ready for the proceedings’
  • All submissions must be in English and submitted in pdf using the one-column variant of CEURART style.
  • The length depends on submission type:
    • Submissions for long papers (including negative results) must be a maximum of ten pages.
    • Submissions for short papers and position papers must be a maximum of five pages.
    • Submissions for demonstrations, posters, data, models, and applications must be a maximum of two pages.
    • Submissions for tutorial proposals should be a maximum of five pages. (No limit for the actual Tutorial.)

Let us know if you have any further questions!

Thank you for your submission and we look forward to welcoming you in Leiden!